
Scree. Scree. The gentle motion of the train nudged her awake. Peering left and right, attention slowly coming into focus. She awakens and is wrenched back into reality. Peering through the looking glass, she squints at the grey shapes off in the distance, shrouded in haze. Tall, looming towers that are designed for one purpose …

Turbulent Thoughts

Staggering. Walking aimlessly without real conviction. There's a sense of total defeat and an overwhelming desire to just flip a switch and not care anymore.  Looking forward, all she can see is a menacing darkness that looms at the edges of the uneven ground she walks upon. Looking over her shoulder, shapes and pathways are …


Why am I exactly resigning myself to waiting out here? It's the middle of the night and it's not an exaggeration to say that my toes are fairly frozen at this point. As I exhaled, a thick fog of air formulated momentarily before me --Yep, it's cold out here. I wandered around slightly from the …